Facebook Tricks To Unlock Facebook At Restricted Area (Like:School )

Today i am going to gives you new facebook tricks ,with the help of this facebook tricks you can easily access your facebook account also from the restricted area. Many people who have Facebook accounts would like to connect at their work or at their institute (college, university, etc..),But usually these places block theaccess to social networking  and entertainment sites. There are several facebook tricks to violate these blockages so you can check your Facebook without any problems.Here i am going to gives you three facebook tricks with the help of which you can easily unlock your facebook account from restricted area easily.
So here is the list of some facebook tricks to connect to Facebook from work or place of study when it has been blocked:
1. Connect through https:
This one facebook trick is the easiest one to apply.HTTP is the protocol that allows a browser toread a web address or URL and display to the user. But there is also the protocol HTTPS , which isthe secure version of the above. Usually system administrators block the addresses as http://www.facebook.com/, but not secure protocol: https: / / www.facebook.com/, so you cantry in a place where you blocked site lets you enter through the secure protocol. So you also get more security in your account as being an encryption protocol, you can not access data such as passwords, because they are sent encrypted.
Go to this Link from your restricted area : https: / / www.facebook.com / . So apply this pc tricks on your PC and you will get the result.
2. Enter through the Google translator
One technique widely used to access web sites blocked by the companies is through the online translation system from Google. The translator can translate whole web pages by simply entering the address in the box provided. You can enter the link Facebook and the translator will display the page within a frame in your browser, although there are locks on it.
Go to: http://translate.google.com/
3. Login via proxy
This one facebook  tricks is the most comman on tricks.With the help of this facebook trick you can easily access your account from the blocked area. There are many proxy sites on the Internet,providing access to remote sites using a computer that acts as a link, avoiding the use of the server where the pages have been blocked. Although best known as Anonymouse.org, should already be locked into thesystem of your work, school or university. One that works efficiently is Vtunnel.com. Vtunnel can connect with your Facebook account from a PC blocked, as well as being proxy, you can also enable the cookie system that allows you to enter your username and password to the site.
To use, simply enter www.facebook.comVtunnel.comaddress and you can access youraccount. If for some reason you receive the following message:"Cookies are not enabled on yourbrowser. Please go to your security preferences and adjust the settings before proceeding, just enter your password again and enter the home of Facebook.
Remember that some of these tricks might not work, try them all until one allows you to access Facebook in the best way and without problems.
Thats all about these three facebook tricks . Apply these facebook tricks at your restrictedarea and you will easily login intoyour facebook account.

About The Author

Ut dignissim aliquet nibh tristique hendrerit. Donec ullamcorper nulla quis metus vulputate id placerat augue eleifend. Aenean venenatis consectetur orci, sit amet ultricies magna sagittis vel. Nulla non diam nisi, ut ultrices massa. Pellentesque sed nisl metus. Praesent a mi vel ante molestie venenatis.


  1. thanks buddy very nice tricks,keep sharing like this


  2. thank you sir it is working nicely on my c5-03 thanks again
