[Java] Changing music player skins in S40 devices

First download oxycube from here then connect your phone,download skins and copy the files to folders:


access hidden system folders with OXYCUBE

fmr = Fmradio of phone

eql = Equalizer of phone

mpl = Mediaplayer of the phone

Enclosed beside the Nokia phone model is the compatible file format of the theme.

Nokia s40v5 uses SWF
Nokia s40v6 uses NFL

5310xm (.swf)
5610xm (.swf)
6500c (.swf)
3600slide (.swf)
5220xm (.nfl)
7210sn (.nfl)
7310sn (.nfl)
7510sn (.nfl)
7610sn (.nfl)
6303c (.nfl)
5130xm (.nfl)
download skins of .nfl format here you can also extract skin from other phones(S40) and add them into corresponding location of your phone download skins
Music Player Skin.rar(2.15 MB, Downloads: 521)

About The Author

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