Sometimes we delete the files permanently, and realize that deleting them is like a Blunder... For all those folks, Here is the solution Software called "Kissass Undelete" , can bring those files from the hard disk or your flash drive. Conditions : Only if the data on that drive is not re-occupied(or written). that means the space which was available after the deletion is not been occupied after the deletion. Download Kickassundelete Click Here to download from . 1) To start searching for the files, Select the drive from the Left panel of the Windows and Click the scan button. the Scan might take upto 10 secs. 2) When the files search has been completed, it will show you the results with the name, typ, size and the last modified date of the searched file. 3) Now you can select the file to be recover. This is an Open source application and available for All Windows OS(Windows XP/Vista/ 7). |
All (Ctrl+Alt+Del) Permanently deleted files Recovery solution
by Mobile Bollywood 18:48
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