NetWorx 5.3.2 Internet Bandwidth Control Software

NetWorx is a simple and free, yet powerful tool that helps you objectively evaluate your bandwidth situation. You can use it to collect bandwidth usage data and measure the speed of the Internet connection or other network use. NetWorx can help to identify possible sources of network problems, ensure that you do not exceed the bandwidth limits specified by your ISP, as well as the suspicious network activity characteristic of Trojan horses of the hacker attacks be aware. This program allows you to control the Internet or all network connections or a specific network (such as Ethernet or PPP) to hold. The software features a customizable visual and sound alerts. You can use it for a network connection is down or when some suspicious activity, such as unusually heavy data flow, occurs set up to warn you. It can also automatically disconnect all dialup connections and shut down the system works. Incoming and outgoing traffic on a line chart displayed and stored in a file so that you can always hit daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage and dialup duration (PDF). These reports can be one of several formats, including HTML, MS Word and Excel for further analysis to be issued.
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