File Protection Software Jetico BestCrypt : For users who are concerned with the security of your computer and its contents using security software is essential. If you want your information private from others to hide and encrypt them, Jetico BestCrypt One option is to do good. This software lets you encrypt the whole hard drive partitions and so that each partition on your hard drive you can put a password to access, other information to prevent. Among the notable things about this software, you boot encrypted system.
You can also drive to the security of any specific security levels
depending on the type and amount of information they consider important.
Software features: the ability to store the encoded data, supports the strongest encryption algorithms, enabling backup of your data, compatible with different versions of Windows and ...
Software features: the ability to store the encoded data, supports the strongest encryption algorithms, enabling backup of your data, compatible with different versions of Windows and ...
File Size: 19.19 MB
File encryption: