Any type of DVD burning software VSO ConvertXtoDVD v5.2.0.7

رایت هر نوع DVD با نرم افزار VSO ConvertXtoDVD
Software VSO ConvertXtoDVD supports most popular formats such as AVI & Mpeg able, Mpeg, Mpeg4, MP4 , VOB, WMV, DV to DVD. Software ConvertXtoDVD to convert AVI files do not need to be installed and their DIVX CODEC software will install the CODEC. Other advantages of this software is configurable image resolution can be set manually or automatically according to the original file, compatible with both NTSC and PAL video formats and convert all the settings related to volume control, and the film Menu puts the user. This powerful software files subtitles is also supported.
The more you can get this software from Download 0098 downloaded.
A key feature of the software VSO ConvertXtoDVD:
- Supported video formats: Convert AVI, Mpeg, Mpeg4, DivX, Xvid, MOV, WMV, WMV HD, DV, MKV, DVD, and ...
- Can merge up to 4 hours of material from several movies or episodes
- Supported audio formats: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3 and ...
- Handles subtitles ending SRT, .SUB / IDX,. SSA. With a choice of colors, fonts and SSA
- Video format choice: NTSC, PAL, or automatic and PULL-DOWN
- The ability to choose the type of display Widescreen, Fullscreen, or automatic
- Quick view and correct errors in the Czech
- Save the DVD on hard drive or burn it to a blank DVD Converter
- Reliable burn engine supports all DVD formats
- Fast and quality encoder
- Variable options and settings for advanced users
- Adjustable speed and quality to convert
- Ability to adjust the menu controls DVD
- Edit DVD menu background, font, color and ...
- Nice and varied
- Support for different languages
- Optimized for Windows 2000, XP and Vista
- And more ..
size File Size: 31.06 MB
password Password:
homepage Source: Download 0098

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