Cloud Storage – Why You Need It!

More and more individuals and businesses are utilizing the benefits of cloud storage as prices decrease and the level of service improves.

Public confidence in online storage options is also on the up as the issue of security is being addressed on an on-going basis thanks to advances in technology that ensure stringent data protection is now commonplace.

Despite organizations of all sizes and across all industries making the switch to the cloud, there are those that remain reluctant to embrace this significant change in how information is stored. So, why should you store data in the ‘Cloud’? And what do customers of services such as Egnyte’s cloud storage get for making the switch?

Benefits of the Cloud

    * File back-up. Using a traditional file server leaves business owners open to the possibility of suddenly and unexpectedly losing an array of confidential data if the server is damaged for whatever reason, but cloud users have the peace of mind that their files are constantly backed up. The importance of having reliable access to files and folder should never be underestimated.
    * Multi-device access. Access important documents quickly and easily whenever and wherever you want using a variety of different devices, including Android phones, the iPhone and iPad as well as PC, Mac or any web-enabled device. As long as you can get on the Internet, you can pretty much access your files. This makes sharing vital data possible on a 24/7 basis and offers a convenient business solution. Gone are the days when your files and folders are accessible only on your office computer, company laptop or when you can log in remotely.
    * Work remotely. The way companies are operating on a daily basis is changing as less emphasis is being placed on staff needing to be physically in the office for eight hours a day, five days a week. File storage in the cloud means there’s no need to have traditional file servers, which frees up office space and even opens up the possibility of not needing a business property altogether.
    * Environmental benefits. Traditional file servers require a cooling system to avoid overheating and that in turn increases energy costs at a time when many companies are battling to stay out of the red. Hosting files in the cloud, though, has definite environmental benefits as it helps to reduce emissions as well as removing the need to pay to maintain on-site data servers.
    * Security. Arguably the most important feature of cloud storage is the security aspect. Cloud users can have complete control of private and highly-confidential information and can be safe in the knowledge that data is stored safely in the cloud server.
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